

Я долго пыталась объяснить гипнотически-упоительный эффект, который производит на меня фото внизу поста (наверху - мои акварельки). Оно стоит на моем десктопе последнюю неделю, что крайне удивительно, т.к. обычно я визуально наедаюсь даже самой удачной картинкой за несколько дней. Рассуждения мои кратко изложены ниже.

Можете смело обеспокоиться моим психическим здоровьем, сдающие сессии читатели, но я пришла к умозаключению, что образование (как процесс) полезен в первую очередь тем, что экономит нервы. Каждый день «кто-то сверху» говорит, правы вы или нет, хороши или не очень, и если да, то насколько... И вроде-как есть ощущение, что «к чему-то» стремимся, и есть ежедневная порция социального одобрения. И вот когда этот процесс заканчивается, ну или прерывается «на подумать» (как это происходит в моем случае) – необходим часто немалый (в зависимости от стойкости привычки к эмоциональному удочерению)) срок, чтобы прекратить искать оценки извне, даже если свои пока формировать затруднительно.

Словом эта картинка меня убаюкивает тем, что напоминает о временах, когда можно было больше думать о том, что учить, а не зачем; и когда в моем распоряжении была орава людей, которым вобщем-то платили за то, чтобы они избавляли меня от ежедневной необходимости себя одобрять и ругать.


Sailors, and Marmaids, and Waves

I doubt that any living soul in Kyiv (except for snowboarders and mazochists) enjoys this ugly bitter frost! I was seriously thinking of gathering people and dancing shaman heathen dances to win some sunny weather! But since people are mostly reluctant to leave their refuges without paramount necessity these days there's nothing else left for me to do but praying for spring, and sailors, and mermaids, and waves..

So instead of attending 90s party in Lavra gallery (Dasha, they will totally have to arrange it for the 4th time)) I’m stuck somewhere in early 70s with the 'Le Mouton enrage' (Love At the Top) 1974 movie and pseudo70s Music Go Music soundtrak.
Everybody knows I’m in love with 'La Piscine' (1969). 'Le Mouton enrage' = same Jane Birkin+Romy Schneider+murder minus Delon plus Trentinyan, same 70s striking interiors, colours and a good plot.


Insomniac's Excuses

It really doesn’t matter if you’re painting a masterpiece or just depicting scrawls on a piece of paper this brush&watercolour thing elevates your artist ego to a whole new level! Joking apart. I didn’t know a thing about pleasure of drawing till this very weekend when I tested my new watercolours ☺
I only wish I could find some other time to paint except for the late night, cause It’s getting really weird. Last night I was afraid to make too much noise changing the water so I came up with an idea washing brushes in unfinished cup of green tea))

So this is one of my first watercolour trials. Took me about three hours = “Control” movie + 25-30 repeats of “Ready, Able” by Grizzly Bear. This song is ‘on repeat’ in my playlist for few days already and I seriously need to get rid of it! I wish it wasn't so perfect for the nighttime!


Suicidal post

This post is going to be a suicidal one, but still there’s no way I’m gonna give it up! So watch me first displaying one of my resent sketches named ‘Los Maricones De Asia’ by Irina :) …

And right after that leaving you with images that make all the other drawings in this blog (and far beyond it) nothing but a scribble.

I constantly return to David Downtown’s illustrations over the last year to grasp some inspiration. These drawings to me are both exquisite (let us synchronize our watches, this is what ‘beauty’ looks like for me) and somehow familiar. Maybe because they remind me of the illustrations from 60s/70s fashion mags my mom used to store on the balcony in our old apartment and which I used to page through infinite set of times being a kid.

BTW I loved Downtown’s interview on his website (www.daviddownton.com). The man is not trying to be all that I'll-paint-your-eyes-in-when-I've-seen-your-soul-kind. Being nonartificially honest he’s not trying to make a big deal of something that actually is a big deal.

I might be wrong but it seems to me that while all this graphic tablet illustrations with fashion-spasmatical girls (to be fair, I do like a lot of them) will eventually be replaced by some other popular manner these paintings will remain perfect for me.

P.S. one gorgeous Ded Moros presented me watercolous last weekend but I still haven't found time and courage to test it)) hope this weekend I finally will!


Cyclone victim

This post is all about colour. I suppose it is the ultimate dullness of the sight from the window and remains of all-that-celebrating-hysteria that cause this hunger for colour in me. So I still discriminate Godard’s “Masculin, Feminine” (which is supposed to be the “perfect movie for me cause I’m so obsessed over gender subject metter”) on the basis of colour till the sunny days. Instead I’m:
Spoiling Coco Rosie’s head with distracting black pen (yeah, I need some clarity in life not to wreak frustration on pics)):
Watching psychedelic “Varvara-Krasa Dlinnaya Kosa” (1969) looking as if the film was painted all over with gouache after shooting process. God now I get it why the CIS kids are the smartest and the weirdest ones! :)
BTW Varvara herself somehow reminds me of Olivia Hussey’s Juliet 1968 except for her (Varvara's) facial bone structure which makes her look even more childish and innocent.
Skatching a sailor which has nothing to do with colour but still cheers me up J


Way too busy eating&sleeping

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