
Jeremy Irons

Я очень люблю этого мужчину. И люблю тем сильнее, чем меньше старость оставляет слащавости на его лице.
Люблю именно за нервные губы, болезненные глаза и помятые впалые щеки.
карандаш, гелевая ручка, акварель. 16.02


Librarian Chic

1. This sketch of Julianne Moore made on 1/02 (yeah, the Single Man premiere date) is the only February drawing achievement I made so far. Quite a poor one I must admit :) Still I wanted to share It to keep the blog alive. Besides yesterday I've made another sketch of Jeremy Irons and hope to rehabilitate myself soon!

2. Let us clarify this from the very beginning. It is not my purpose here to pitch you with endless runway looks. I do understand you've got plenty of sources ready to satisfy your fashion hunger. So I'll just go with the outfits that really speak to me. For instance I love every single look of Jacobs' A/W 2010-2011 with its' pastel librarian chic, and layers, and glasses (some ray ban alternative at least, huh?), and socks!